Friday 18 January 2008

A boring questions

last night, when i log in into my ym.. i chat with one of my friend.. he asked me a very simple question..some sort of like this question(sorry, i cant remember it all )

"you x takut ke tak ada sapa2 kt sblh u sekang?"

yeah.. to be honest.. i am scared a little bit.. but, what can i do? it is not easy to find a really good man out there... am i correct? a really good man that.. yg baik.. yg ala2 alim skit.. yg hormat org tua.. and the most important thing.. a man that really like me.. sepenuh hati.. selamanya.. bkn bermusim....

some of the people out there told me.. i'm kind of choosy people..
erm... i'm not looking for a good looking man (sometimela).. i'm not looking for a man that has a very strong financial background - house, car (on 2nd thought those things is very important as well).. for me, if they have a career which is very stable, it would be ok.. apa org kata.. pandai cari duit...

some of the people out there told me.. that i'm kind of protective person..
yeah.. of coz.. when u have been going through with such of bad experience, u need to be careful next time.. and i think, i'm not that type of person that too protective..

some of the people out there also told me.. i have a lot of commitment..
erm.. ader.. taking care both my parents, even though i was not born from a rich family, but i manage but survive my life.. i manage to buy whatever things that i want.. with my own money.. hehehe...

i am not desperate looking for my soul mate even though some of u might think, with my age, it is right time for me to find one.. but for me., i leave everything to GOD.. GOD knows everything..for me, cinta tak perlu dicari, makin dicari, makin x jumpa..cinta akan dtg sendiri..cuma kita hanya perlu buka peluang2 utk cinta itu dtg sahaja. if i’m desperate.. i can simply accept some of the approach out there.. but y i didn’t accept it? i’m still finding my self.. what i want.. is there’s the happiness that i want?

argh.. what type of a boring question that people like to ask me nowadays.. huhuhuhu..

p.s: This is the kind of question..I will get a lot at weddings esp.from concern aunties..this is what happen recently...OMG!! stress....stresss....not only one guy asked me.. many guys..


suriani said...

sabar je la ek.. peope will not stop asking.. what do they know, kan?

kita kan tau.. jodoh, pertemuan tu semua keje Allah, just be yourself, kalu ada jodoh, tentu tak kemana...

sometimes bila tengok org-org kat luar tu menderita disebabkan partner mereka, adalah lebih baik idup sendiri dari menyusahkan hati.. kan, kan?

Syiera said...

err..tgh sabarla ni kak...rasanya dah bertahun..berabad dah sabar nih. thanks kak.