Monday, 18 February 2008

Five of my favorite sites

umiameer tagged me to list out five of my favourite links. Then, tag five more people to share their link. They can be business links, affliate links, favourite sites, whatever you want. At the end of the tag, we would be able to share good links from others.

Rules and Regulations :

1. Must be clean. No X-rated sites.
2. Only FIVE links.
3. MUST tell 5 people.
4. A link back to the person who tagged you.
5. An active link.

1. - I aways start my searching here, then if I don't find what I need quickly enough, I try

2. - Bos selalu travel overseas…nak check exchange rate nak tukar duit.

3. Bos selalu buat conference call dengan other overseas companies. So, check time difference

4. - Bos selalu ada meeting kat clients place…so I need the road map and update to her driver..hard copy and highlight the location as well.

5. - future reference for my BIG DAY insyaAllah..Aminn.

Enjoy! Anyway, ni 5 orang I nak tag

1. Oya
2. Nora
3. Lily
4. Ziez
5. K.Lyn

Now I have to tag 5 people please include a link back to me and let me know when you've posted so I can link to your post!


suriani said...

thanks ira kerana buat jugak the tagging game..
macam ni lah baru sporting..

len kali, akak akan tag lagi, orait?

Syiera said...

hehehe...boleh..boleh..dengan senang hati. tp lmbat sket arr....kena wat keje dulu..pehtu baru boleh membloging :-)