Dah lama rasanya saya tak mengupdate blog ni. Bukannya sibuk apa pun, cuma sibuk dengan aktiviti jalan-jalan ke Penang & balik kampung selama seminggu (campur sabtu ahad + cuti Maal Hijrah = 9 days). Seminggu? Yess..seminggu sebab kena clearkan annual leave for this year. Nak carry fwd pun tak boleh...so cutila.
Sebelum tu, department CIP ni buat party2 sket tuk akhir tahun ni. Tukar2 hadiah, farewell for my bos Azlee, birthday celebration for Sept, Oct, Nov & Dec. Nothing much to say here...so just enjoy the pics k.
Dear all
Time: 5pm onwards
Venue: Suasana Sentral Loft
5.30 pm: Dinner
7:00 pm: Appreciation and acknowledgement
7:30 pm: Last call for dinner!
8:00 pm: HOME!!
The location for the event near by the pool.
Me & Ezza
At the lobby. Ezza, Flora, Me & Has
The presents from secret Santa
My bos Azlee & Ms Teh
Our food..sangat marvelous..sedapp!!
Our table deco