Hari ni birthday Nora & Oya..both of them share the same date of birth. Well, Oya is at the clients place only be back to office in two weeks time. I wished her this morning at 00:00:00 but.....i'm no. 4!!!. Well, thoughts that matters anyway. But we're celebrating her birthday this weekend. InsyaAllah tu pun kalau everybody is agree. Infact, Intan and Ziez already agrees to celebrate it this weekend.
As for Nora, she looks so happy today. Yelahh...birthday girl lah katakan. I wished her this morning...don't dare to disturb her last nite...heh...heh...heh. Masa lunch time she went to Sogo, bought 2 cakes!!! 1 is for her friends here in the office and the other 1 is for her family.
Birthday girl with her cake
Cake closeUP
I'm helping nora cut the cakes at Cafe@10
Sempat senyumm & posing
Cantik bunga tuu?? Dpt mana?
Sedap kek tu Akla??I suppose to meet with my friends at Sg Wang…but then I’m unable to go there. After office nak drive to Sg Wang….wwoohhoo…it’s not the right time and way to be at Sg Wang. Congested area and not my place. Well, Nora called, she want to know how I’m going home. I told her that…I drive today. Without being ask from her, I dgn senang hati mengoffer diri I untuk menghantar Nora balik ke rumah kat PJ. Kesian pulak dia dengan nak bawa balik kek sekotak besar tu. I sampai rumah pukul 7.
Well, u guys…I mean birthday girls….HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May all your dreams come true this year, bring u much peace, joy, happiness and tranquility and everything else that u had always wanted, stay healthy & most important is stay PRETTY & GORGEOUS always!!!! Love u GUYS!!