Thursday 30 November 2006

HaRloW EvERyONe ! FEeLiNG GooD tOdAY ?

First, wishing you & your family happiness always smiles never feel sad (forever in good mood, do not fight with one another .

Sometimes you may have a little party with one another, but don't forget to say sorry.

Remember to do some cooking for your loved one (the way to the heart is through the stomach!) .

Keep in regular contact with your friends (even though they may be far away . Chill out after a hard day - go kiting , karaoke or picnic (during the holidays and also weekends). Enjoy life, don't sad . Be Happy.

Take care of your health, cut down on smoking (remember to bring your umbrella during rainy days. Otherwise you may have to see a doctor when you catch a cold! by the way be sure to relax .

And don't be ashamed to ask for help when you are in trouble. Just don't ask me for money, as I need some myself!! When you do get angry ,remember to count to ten .

Play some sports to relieve yourself (cause is the happinest is the best medicine hear music is the trick and a good sleep can let you throw all your troubles away).

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