Sunday, 30 March 2008
Monday, 24 March 2008
Nickname chatroom
Rasanya semua org yg pernah/sedang/akan baca blog I ni musti pernah menjerumuskan diri dalam dunia online chat. Tak kira la chat kat memana bilik-borak, ataupun kat memana messenger yg melambak2 kat dalam dunia nih.
I nak tulis sket pasal meletakkan nama di dalam chatroom. Sebenarnya bukannya senang nak dapat kawan dlm chatroom. Macam I dulu, masa memula masuk mmg ala2 budak blur masuk chatroom. Semua org cam dah kenal antara satu sama lain, tapi kita ni.. dok terpinga2 je sensorang. Cuma satu perkara yg I boleh pasti la... kalau nickname kita menarik, selalunya akan laju je org nak menegur dan menyapa. Kesimpulannya mmg pemilihan nickname yg bijak adalah satu cara untuk menaikkan saham kat dalam chatroom. Kalau kita perhati bebaik ada memacam style nickname yg digunakan oleh org2 ni..
Ada tu suka menggunakan nama betul. Kengkadang dipendekkan, kengkadang tu guna nama dalam surat beranak lagi! Kemain konfiden lagi depa itu. Contohnya depa ni gunakan nama cam Jee, Melur, Farah, Eton, Leha dan macam2 lagi la.
Ada jugak yg lebih kreatif sket, ditambahnya satu pktn kat blkg nama diorg tu. Contohnya macam Jijah_anggun, Tipah_duku, Mona_money dan byk lagi la nama yg I konferm takleh tulis semua.
I mmg sori la nak guna nama surat beranak, sbb nnt I takkan dapat mencapai target audience yg I nak..:-)
Ada jugak yg suka menggunakan tiru nama betul org lain utk dibuat nickname. Yg biasa kena tiru ni macam nama2 artis/watak katun/animasi dan kengkadang nama kawan baik punnn boleh ditiru. Diorg ni kengkadang rasa nak jadik macam glamer2 gitu.
Contohnya cam chatters yg duk guna nama cam Nobita, Britney_malaya, Haruka_tenou, powerpuffgrrrls, maupun Maya_Karin_tiputipu. I??? hehehe.. mmg suka guna nama org lain ni. Maklumlah, berahsia kunun. hehehe.
Ada jugak chatters yg suka menggunakan kata sifat. Kiranya nickname yg dipilih tu melambangkan diri mereka sebenar la kot. Kot kot kot...Ini cam org yg guna nama gua_hensem, chantek_jelita, sukamakanasampodeh, gadis_andro, ataupun tinggi_camodel.
Kalau kita tgk lagi ada jugak yg suka pakai nickname guna nama ntah apa2 barang tah. Ada tu guna nama barang yg diorg suka. Contohnya kalau org tu suka henpon nokia, nickname dia henpon_nokia. Kalau yg suka sport rim, dia letak la nama sport_rim. Kalau org tu suka pakai perfume dolce vita.. dia letak la nama dolce_vita. Ramai jugak yg suka letak nombor plet keta buat nickname.
Ada tu suka letak nama barang2 jugak, tapi main boh je barang2 tu. Kes takde idea la ni. Ni cam org yg guna nickname baldi_biru, suarkecik, kibod_rosak, beruangkutub, pen_merah, epal_ijau.. dan cemacam lagi la nama yg mengarut. Tapi I mmg sungguh tertarik dgn org yg guna nama mengarut2 ni. Kreatif sungguh laaaaa hai!
Agak2 u all boleh tak list balik nama2 yg pernah u all guna masa dlm chatroom? hehehe.. Kalau yg guna setakat dua tiga nama tu ok la kot. Cam I yg suka mengayat dlm chatroom ni, mmg byk nickname. Sampai dah terlupa2 dibuatnya. Tapi kan, nickname yg you all pilih secara tidak langsung melambangkan keperibadian you all. Dan sebenarnya, kita jugak memilih jenis2 nickname yg tertentu utk diajak berborak. Soalannya.. betul atau tidak? huhuhu
Macam I... I lebih suka borak dgn nama2 yg mencerminkan kelembutan + keayuan ataupun nama2 yg poyo. Kalau nama cam sportrim, abang_hensem tu.. sori la. I tak taste lerr...
Friday, 21 March 2008
Anuar Zain - Ketulusan Hati
Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Cintaku hanya indah
Hanya bahagia untuk selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimuKau biarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis
hanya tulusnya hati
mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu
Cintaku tak berdusta
Tak mengenal ingkar
Tak kenal nestapa
Tak ada seribu janji
Hanya bahagia untu selamanya
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimuKau benarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu
Apa yang kurasakan ini
Persembahan untuk dirimu
Kau dengarkan kasihku
Mencintaimu tak mengenal waktu
Tak mengenal puitis hanya tulusnya hati
Mencintaimu tak mengenal ragu
Keyakinan hatiku hanya untuk dirimu selalu
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Many missed call
I ni org yg suka bercakap kat tepon (kalau I tak bz la). Tapi suka2 pun telinga I hanya boleh bertahan selama paling lama pun sejam. Lebih dari tu, mmg I akan mengalami masalah telinga kepanasan. Tak kisah la org tu kekasih ke, darikasih ke.. kalau telinga dah dah panas. Mmg I akan mintak izin untuk berhenti dari bercakap.
Lagi la skrg ni bila guna henpon, lagi cepat panas telinga I. Bila dah panas mula lah keluar bunyik2 seperti.. 'Ha?' 'Apa?'... hehehe. Tapi kadang-kadang tu baru je cakap hello dah keluar 'ha?'. hehehe.. kan kan? Hai la henpon, kenapa la kau tak sejuk. Skrg ni, I tak boleh la bayangkan hidup sebagai pekerja ni tanpa henpon. Musti cam weird rasanya. Hidup henpon!!
Tapi satu je masalah henpon ni yg I rasa sedikit men'tak best' kan kehidupan. Ini adalah kehadiran manusia2 yg rajin bagi miss call bertalu2. Kalau miss call tu berlaku sbb tak sempat nak angkat tepon takpe la jugak. Ini baru henpon tu berbunyik setoet, dah abih. Tiga saat pastu bunyik lagi. I punya pesen, kalau dapat miss call dr no tah pape tah, toksah la harap I nak call balik. Buat perabih duit I aje. Baik I call mama I lagi best. Dapat gak pahala..:-)
Setakat ni dua nombor yg mmg komfem I akan call balik kalau dpt miss call setoet hanyalah parents I dan jugak partner I. Tapi kalau yg I tak sempat nak angkat tu, I call la balik. Kot2 ada hal penting ke, ada nak bagi hadiah ke, peminat ke... Sekali lagi diingatkan, I ni suka borak dlm tepon... terutamanya kalau panggilan tu percuma. Bahagia tauu!!
Toksah la Miss Call.Maka di sini I nak nasihatkan kat sesapa yg suka main2 tepon buat miss call tu, tak menjadi utk I skrg ni. Tapi tu la, kengkadang ada org yg rasa nak cakap lelama, tapi takde kredit, tu yg duk buat miss call tu.. mengharap la kononnya.
Kalau camtu mehla I bagi tips sket, buat cenggini yea kengkawan:
1. mula2 call la org yg dirindui tu
2. bila dia dah angkat, cakap la dgn nada yg baik.."awak boleh call saya balik tak? kredit saya dah nak abis, tapi saya rindu... boleh ye wak?"
3. Pastu letak tipon cecepat.
kemudian tunggu la jawapan...
Sekiranya dia call balik; itu tandanya dia rindu jugak.Tapi sekiranya dia tak call2 setelah sepelaung anda menunggu, itu anda bolehlah buat spekulasi sebegini:
- kredit member tu dah tarak
- org tu takleh call pasal tgh sibuk
- dia tak rindu pun kat anda
- anda sebenarnya ter call org lain
OK, next time, I bagi tips camna nak berborak dlm tepon sambil tido... orait? Jom kita balik!
Hmmm... sway, swing, inside me brain!
Hmmm... hmmm... i love to sigh... sigh and sigh...
Gosh... I dont know what am I'm feel right now... It seems that it is not working properly... I dont know... but, maybe this is just a normal thing that happen when there is something come up in your life...
I'm not pretend, but I'm try to be flexible... to be a person that capable of accept other's ways of think... hmmmmm, keep telling inside myself, not to be a person that really annoying.... dont push other... accept others with open arms...
Gently, I'm typing here, with my head boozing with a really i-dont-know-how-to-tell feeling inside my heart... maybe it just a time, when u dont want to be alone...
Thursday, 6 March 2008
how to be happy.. read this.. something to share with u guys
· Perhaps above all, be healthy. Nothing is more valuable than your health and little is more likely to make you unhappy than ill-health.
· Most fundamentally, recognise that happiness is a state of mind and not something which can be defined objectively. You can change your state of mind in many ways including the following suggestions.
· More importantly than anything else, live with a partner whom you love and respect and who feels the same about you. Kiss and cuddle and compliment often and regularly buy unexpected little gifts.
· Wear the most expensive after-shave (usually men!) or perfume (usually women!!) you can afford. It will make you feel good.
· Surround yourself with pleasant smells. Have flowers, pot-pourri or scented candles in most rooms of the house and in your office.
· Stay close to nature. Have flowers and plants in your home and office
· Every so often, spend a little time observing the night sky. As you contemplate the distances and time involved, it will put your life and your concerns into more perspective.
· Listen to some rousing music.
· Keep a diary or journal.
· Take lots of photos.
· Have a favourite television programme.
· Go out and see a good movie.
· Treat yourself often to something 'cheap and cheerful' that you like - chocolates, flowers, a magazine, a cake, a CD. It costs little and you're worth it.
· Cultivate a few favourite places to eat and drink outside the home.
· Stretch yourself mentally.
· Stretch yourself geographically. Go to places you've never seen before. Even in your home town, try taking a different route than usual and notice the different locations that you've never seen before.
· Do something you've never done before, like visiting a particular art gallery or museum or going to a ballet or opera (or even just taking a different route to a familiar location). You'll probably surprise yourself at how much love it and you'll have found a new interest.
· If you can afford it, take regular holidays in different countries and savour different cultures.
· Keep in close touch with relatives and a small circle of friends. You can't beat their love and support.
· Conversely, if there is a person in your life who is a negative influence and who is dragging you down in some way, don't be afraid to get remove such a person from your life.
· Smile a lot. Smiles make you miles better - and you smiling will make others smile.
· Laugh a lot.
· Say what you mean and mean what you say. Honesty really is the best policy.
· Be politely assertive. Say how you feel and explain what you want. Friends and colleagues can't be mind readers.
· Give lots of compliments. You will make others feel good about themselves and find that this gives you pleasure too.
· Give small gifts to your friends. To give is even more pleasurable than to receive.
· Spend less than you earn.
· Use your credit card as a convenient way to pay for your major expenditures on a monthly basis - not to obtain credit at an outrageous level of interest.
· Don't borrow money unless you absolutely have to (for instance, to buy a house or car). Don't lend money - even to relatives - unless you genuinely don't mind if it's not repaid.
· If you are a woman, get your hair done. This will always make you feel better about yourself.
· Read a quality newspaper on a daily basis. Learning is fun and the easiest way to learn is to check out news and features each day so that, over time, your knowledge and interests grow and deepen.
· Take a weekly or monthly magazine reflecting a personal interest. You'll come to really look forward to each new issue, like a visit from a friend.
· Read regularly and widely. Good fiction will widen your vocabulary and put you in touch with your emotions, while a range of non-fiction will extend your knowledge and interests.
· Have a religious faith
If you follow all these suggestions and you're still not happy, you're either an android or an alien.
Woke up at 5.30 am this morning and i really can't close my eyes anymore. Accchhhoooo!!!!Get out from bed and wash my teeth and my face, then go to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast. While waiting for azan, got an headache to choose the best cloth to wear to office for this morning. Finally, i decided to wear my black and white kebaya which used to be called as "baju taik cicak" by Alin and Girl while we were studying a few years back. Miss Alin and Girl a lot and i was accidently met Girl in OU last week while waiting for my friend doing his 'nature call' ..ehehehe. AAccchoooo!!!!
After Subuh prayer, i started to fry the cucoq tepung. Goshhh!!!it is so terrible. Keras!!! Naper ntah?? Expired dah ke tepung ni?? Eemmm…. I ended to throw all the thing in the bin.
Get into the shower (aaaaccchoooo!!!) and get ready to go to the office and reached the office at 7.45 am.(aacchooo!!) early. I still dun know what to do today. Got a stacks of standard letters on my table almost done actually. My nose getting cold and colder. AAccchooo!!!And got sneeze all the time( can someone take out my nose from my face and clean it for me????Anyonee???) i got a reason to take a half day rest today....ehehheheheh (ssyyy...dun tell my boss or else she will kill me!!!)
After Subuh prayer, i started to fry the cucoq tepung. Goshhh!!!it is so terrible. Keras!!! Naper ntah?? Expired dah ke tepung ni?? Eemmm…. I ended to throw all the thing in the bin.
Get into the shower (aaaaccchoooo!!!) and get ready to go to the office and reached the office at 7.45 am.(aacchooo!!) early. I still dun know what to do today. Got a stacks of standard letters on my table almost done actually. My nose getting cold and colder. AAccchooo!!!And got sneeze all the time( can someone take out my nose from my face and clean it for me????Anyonee???) i got a reason to take a half day rest today....ehehheheheh (ssyyy...dun tell my boss or else she will kill me!!!)
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
The meaning of - SHAHIRA
What Shahira Means |
![]() You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong. You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know. You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. |
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