Tuesday 19 August 2008


Actually I'm in the middle of doin something... But I guess it wont hurt to be doin 2 things at the same time. As long as I know what I'm doin.. Multitask..

Its a strange feeling. A feeling of emptiness. Weired coz everybody is around me but I feel lonely. Its all inside me. I'm bored.

I have a lot of work to clear up, but I seems to lost my concentration. I'v been sitting in front of my desk and looking at all the files piled up. Calls and appointments. Not that I'm lazy to do it but I just felt so bored. Where's all my spirit and energy goes???? Hello... Come back....

I have everything inside me that I wish I can write here and make everybody understand how I really feel right now. But its very hard because I'm not really good in words. I have problem in explaining things. I used to keep everything inside me. Being me... alone... What I want... my plan... my dreams... my hope... everything...


Anonymous said...

u kena cari hobi baru nih...

Anonymous said...

hi eira...mmg sometimes kita akan rasa like we are all alone in this world...but since you are gud in writing..take the opportunity to put those feelings in words...at least u can share with others..u take care gurl... :-)

Syiera said...

good old fren - yea...yea..tgh duk fikirla ni nk cari hobi baru..:(

iza - thanks iza. Kalau idea nk menulis tu ada...i akan tulis, tp kalau idea tu xder..berminggu2la terbuku kaku blog i ni iza..:) :D

Kelar the chubbies said...
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Anonymous said...

ada beberapa cadangan
1. beli laptop
2. enroll dlm kelas memasak, fitness club, kelas nyanyi
3. beli beskal, kayuh satu kampong (TBM la tu)
4. buat charity work