Monday 18 August 2008

Just like a hug..

....this cold, fine morning....I woke up with tears in my eyes....I had a dream...not a bad dream..just a dream that left me with such intense feeling of missing's new feeling for's just so raw and intense..not a bad thing either...cos I felt wonderful..having to feel such emotion in me. I felt silly for crying...that's something that I have to learn to control....I had been known to be a hard-hearted girl...but this past few days have brought out the crybaby in me :p, when I cry, I know I won't be alone. Such comfort...such warm wonderful feeling. It is...just like a hug.

A such a wonderful thing. It's so simple, yet powerful.

*The thought of just like a hug*


Anonymous said...

aisey emotional pulok doh......... kalu rindu sgt p la jmpa dia.... bulan depan dah nk posa.....

Syiera said...

good old fren - dah jumpa dah..baru aje lagi jumpa dia..:)

Anonymous said...

ingat, lelaki ni kena bagi indication sket.... pastu test la market... i.e his willingness to come here to see u..... and always becarefull