Thursday 8 February 2007

Wedding at Shangri-La

26 January 2007 - Friday

On Friday nite me and my whole family went to my cousin's wedding which was held at Shangri La.. We went in four cars.. my kenari, and my brothers' 2 beemers plus 1 Merc Vito. Apa yg paling tak puas hati when i arrived there, the guard asked me where am I going? Dia tak nampak ke I pakai lawa2…vogue2 ni and yet still asking me where am I going? I tell them that i'm attending a wedding. But they didn't bother to ask the 2 beemers & vito behind me!!!... Mmg frust betul masa tu..really spoil my nite…tp kejap ajela spoilnya tu. Mesti dia bengang. brother siap nak tulis surat complain but then my dad say, no need, they just do their job. To me.."yeeaaahhh...right..their job apa, memilih kereta"...benci betul. This is not the first time it happen to me, in fact most of formal functions that i attended the guard 'especially' will asked, where am i going. OMG!! Pleasee...eventhough i'm driving a Kenari...doesn't mean we're NO BODY. Siigghhh!! Fact of life.

Nvm, let's get to the main story here...GRAND WEDDING.

A little story of a groom family background – His father was ex-KFC chairman…but I don’t know what is he doing now…but they in a BIG family business. He was born and bred in London... but they did the wedding reception in Malaysia since most of the relatives are here...nak kena kenalla jugak adik-bradik kat Malaysia ni…especially from Alor Setar. Tp bila dah berkumpul ramai-ramai adik bradik ni, mestila kita nak kenal2 ramah2 mesra ye tak? His parents is very nice but his 2 sisters tak pulak nak datang berjumpa salam2 ka…kenal2 ka…maybe sbb ramai sgt kot tak boleh nak layan….OR biasala anak orang kaya…memilih yg betaraf antarabangsa jugak nak bersalam pun…haaiihhh…manusia. We don’t mind actually, what ever it is, kenduri ni kita kena rai sbb dah dijemput.

VVIPs - Sultan Perlis, Sultan Kedah, Raja Muda Kedah, Tengku Temenggung went to the reception... and mencemar duli menepung tawar pengantin. My brothers really admire Tunku's SONGKET. It was 1st class quality..harga? Jgnla tanya...mestila ribu riban. The way Tunku lipat sampin ada style and it only meant for Kedah royal family only. That's what i heardla. Tak tahula betul ke tidak.

Kalau tak salah the wedding planner was Pak Abu. Sebab dia memang terkenal dgn bunga melur…kira macam trademark diala. Masuk aje kat dlm grand ballroom tu memang dah boleh bau bunga melur..wangi sangat...dah tu bunga melur ni meleret2 hingga ke pelamin…issshhh…dah byk2 tu pening plak kepala bau dia kuat sangat. Well, the reception ends almost 12am…ngantuknyaaa…dah tu nak bersalam dgn pengantin punyala panjang.

Sementara nak tunggu turn kami sampai ke pengantin untuk bersalam tu….kami ni beramai2 naik atas pelamin yg direka oleh Pak Abu tu untuk bergambar. Tengokla gambar2 kami nih. Even pengantin lama pun bersanding sekali lagi…heh…heh…heh…mengalah real pengantin yg berposing atas pelamin tu. It was a great nite & a grand wedding. Kalaulah majlis ni masuk dlm majalah Pengantin, harus kami membelinya. Manala tahu mungkin terselit gambar2 kami nih.

Kepada Azhan & Thania, Selamat Pengatin Baru. Semoga berbahagia sehingga ke anak cucu. InsyaAllah…

1 comment:

azlyn said...

wah....grand yeak wedding...ala cian...sbb guna kete kenari tukarlah keter yg stylo....ekekekeekekke