Wednesday 6 May 2009

Sakit belakang/pinggang

Apala muda-muda lg dah sakit belakang..sakit pinggang. Betulla...tak pernah rasa sesakit ni sebelum ni.

Ni terjadi masa nak pegi FH baru-baru ni. Masa nak angkat mama dari wheel chair masuk ke kereta, then nak angkat duduk betul-betul kat kerusi tu. Tiba-tiba rasa sakit sangat dari pinggang terus sampai ke lutut. Macam ada urat putus ke, terseliuh ke, berpintal ke..terkehel ke...haa..mcm tu. Phewwww...tak pernah rasa sesakit tu sebelum ni.

Masa driving kat winding road hari tu..memang sakit bila pusingkan stereng ke kiri & ke kanan tu. Bertambah-tambah sakitnya.

Since then, I was in pain all the time. Dah rasa macam orang tuala pulak…mmg tua pun..:P Nak tunduk tak boleh, tak terus duduk mencangkung ambil barang pun tak boleh, bila berdiri tegak nak terus tunduk pun tak boleh. Sakit ya amat sangat.

Segala-galanya kena buat dengan berhati-hati dan cermat….tak boleh lasak-lasak sangat. Dah rasa mcm orang tua tu dah 1 perkara...rasa mcm pregnant pun iyer jugak...adddooiii...masa berjalan tu terpegang2 pinggang ni punyalah nak tahan sakit tu. Bagitau kata Papa pasal sakit ni, dia pesan suruh letak Salonpas. Nasibla memang bawa medical equipment set kemerata tempat. Sekotak habis Salonpas tu.

Bila tidur, tak boleh terus bangun, kena alih badan ketepi, meniarap pehtu baru terus bangun. Kadang-kadang tu terlupa, terus bangun..haaaa…boleh menangis dibuatnya.

Sekarang ni masih lagi terasa sakitnya, dan masih lagi berSalonpas. Jalan pun kena slow-slow dan tegak aje. Addooii...rasa mcm nak pegi apa yg doktor boleh bagi pun just a pain killer kot. Tengokla macamana nanti. Sakit lagi ….:(


iza said...

iera.. kes sakit pinggang nie jgn wat memain..sure tergeliat masa angkat ur mama aritu, so u better see d doctor. may b muscle pull or nerve. i dah rasa dah..sebulan dik oiiii, don't wait no more and see d doctor soon as u can, ok..???

Syiera said...

hi iza.. tula duk sakit lg skrg ni. My dad pun suruh i jumpa doctor..within this week jugak i kena jumpa doctor. Thanks iza for ur concern..really appreciate it..:)

Arelynn said...

Hai blum masuk senja dah sakit2 nie.Ishh..jgn. Nie jgn dok suka minum ais tk elok tuk kesihatan. sekali kala tk per..tau

Syiera said...

Heppp....mana ada..:) Dah beransur sembuh dah ni...insyaAllah minggu depan elokla ni. Nak sakit2 manja aje nih..:D

Anonymous said...

Improper lifting technique can lead to back, leg and arm pain. Poor technique can cause both acute injury, and serious chronic effects. Learning the right way to lift will help you avoid these problems.
Here's How:
Plan ahead before lifting.
Knowing what you're doing and where you're going will prevent you from making awkward movements while holding something heavy. Clear a path, and if lifting something with another person, make sure both of you agree on the plan.

Lift close to your body.
You will be a stronger, and more stable lifter if the object is held close to your body rather than at the end of your reach. Make sure you have a firm hold on the object you are lifting, and keep it balanced close to your body.

Feet shoulder width apart.
A solid base of support is important while lifting. Holding your feet too close together will be unstable, too far apart will hinder movement. Keep the feet about shoulder width apart and take short steps.

Bend your knees and keep your back straight.
Practice the lifting motion before you lift the object, and think about your motion before you lift. Focus on keeping you spine straight--raise and lower to the ground by bending your knees.

Tighten your stomach muscles.
Tightening your abdominal muscles will hold your back in a good lifting position and will help prevent excessive force on the spine.

Lift with your legs.
Your legs are many times stronger than your back muscles--let your strength work in your favor. Again, lower to the ground by bending your knees, not your back. Keeping your eyes focused upwards helps to keep your back straight.

If you're straining, get help.
If an object is too heavy, or awkward in shape, make sure you have someone around who can help you lift.

Wear a belt or back support.
If you are lifting in your job or often at home a back belt can help you maintain a better lifting posture. For ideas on inexpensive back supports that can help support the low back while lifting, click here.
Never bend your back to pick something up.
It's just not worth the damage that improper lifting technique can cause.

Hold the object close to your body.
You are a much more stable lifter if you're not reaching for an object.

Don't twist or bend.
Face in the direction you are walking. If you need to turn, stop, turn in small steps, and then continue walking.

Keep your eyes up.
Looking slightly upwards will help you maintain a better position of the spine.

Unknown said...

Sama dgn, last doc cakap apa...(wpon entry ni dh lama...)