Have you ever felt that your life is not that interesting? Or your past is not as colourful as others? And this particularly happens when you hear stories from your friends on their past experiences, journey and adventures. It's depressing actually. Or at least for me. It makes me feel as if I've missed out on a lot of things. And I certainly can't go back in time to experience them. I do have my share of interesting stuff in the past but they seem so dull as compared to some. I can't be going through a mid-life crisis. I'm too young for that. But still, why does the grass always seem to look greener on the other side?
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Life is....
Have you ever felt that your life is not that interesting? Or your past is not as colourful as others? And this particularly happens when you hear stories from your friends on their past experiences, journey and adventures. It's depressing actually. Or at least for me. It makes me feel as if I've missed out on a lot of things. And I certainly can't go back in time to experience them. I do have my share of interesting stuff in the past but they seem so dull as compared to some. I can't be going through a mid-life crisis. I'm too young for that. But still, why does the grass always seem to look greener on the other side?
Friday, 15 January 2010
Happy Birthday Papa!
15 January... :) Its Papa's birthday!!! Although he will not see what i post here, but I would write anyway.... He’s one of the most important man in my life. He has certainly been a good Father for me – spoiling me at times (okey, maybe all the time)… Always putting me first and on top of everything else when I was young… I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful and loving Dad!! Love you Papa!!
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Makan angin @ Korea - Part I
This is Cheongwadae (Blue House) is the executive office and official residence of the President of the Republic of Korea, located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The main office building includes Presidential Office, audience room, conference room, and official Presidential residence.
Ni plak salah satu tempat kat sana, dimana jika ada pementasan opera ke, teater ke, apa ke..kat stage ni la take part. Bawah stage tu is a lake yang slowly bertukar menjadi ais. Lama2 nanti boleh main ice skating kat situ. Tapi tak ada plak yang berani main kat situ, sbb tak fully keras lagi lake tu. Sape berani cubala..:P
Banyak gambar saya snap kat sini, sebab baju Hanbok ni cantik-cantik sangat!! Kalau nak bergambar kat sini "No flash please" K.Mama kata, knp kalau ada flash? Rosak ke baju tu, or baju tu hidup ke...hah..hah...hah..:P
Kedai souvenir kat sini BEST!! Boleh bargain, macam2 ada kat sini..and good quality. Nampak kan nama kedai tu..nampak..nampak? Ok, sini kt Itaewon. Ingat tu..next time kalau nak beli sourvenir...pegi sini..recomended sangat2..:)
Masa ni snow tengah turun kt Itaewon. Sejuk dia jangan cakapla..dah -2, -3 kot masa ni. Kalau tak salah masa ni pukul 6.30pm. Kat sana siang kejap aje, malam yg lama. 5.30 tu dah macam waktu maghrib kat sini.
Sempat bergambar kat tepi lake cantik ni. Masa ni less than 10 minutes dah nak kena return balik basikal tu. Kami dah jauuh melencong ntah kemana. Nak cari jalan balik sana lagi, ntah mana2 ntah kami pusing masa tu. Agak besar jugak Nami Island ni. Lambat sampai nasib tak kena denda..:P
Jangan tak tahu u all....saya terjatuh kat sini tauu..Haaa...siap boleh gelak, sambil senyum lagi ..nak bergambar kat snow punya pasal...jatuh pun tak pe. Malluuu tauu..:( Nasib gambar turn out cantik.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Makan angin @ Korea - Part II
Ni la heater. Masing2 berkerumun kt bawah heater nak bagi panas badan. Suhu masa ni is 1 deg..ggrr..ggrr.. Baju saya dah 4 5 lapis..seluar pun macam tu jugak..dah tebal tu, tapi tak lut jugakk..'sigh'
Inila penjual tiket and our entertainer kat Everland. Comelkan? Depa semua kat sana so pretty, so tall, so nice...happy aje depa ni semua.
Mula-mula masuk dlm Everland, kami dibawa ke Safari Park. Nak kesana kena naik Gondola ni. The journey took us almost 10 minutes to reached there. Tahap kesejukan dan kebekuan saya kt atas gondola ni jangan cakapla iyer...tak terkata sejuknya!!! Tak suka betull..:( Tp, BEST tau naik gondola ni...terhoyong hayang sambil menikmati permandangan sekitar Everland. U should try it.
Dalam kawasan safari tu, kita boleh tengok wild life animal. Lion, Bears, White Tiger and Liger (merged Tiger and Lion). Kami tengok dari dlm transparent bus. Sorry guys..gambar bas tu tak ada plak..:(
Cukupla tu kan gambar2 kat Everland. Banyak lagi gambar2 kat sini, nnt boring plak kan. Well, to those yang plan nak pegi bercuti ke Korea, jangan lupa singgah kat Everland. Its a MUST. U must stay here at least 1 day. InsyaAllah..ada rezeki saya akan datang sini lagi. Aminn..
Next we proceed to Mt Sorak. Mount Sorak is situated on the east coast of the Korean Peninsula in the Taebaek Mountain range, which is composed of dissected granite and gneiss, with rocky hills and ridges. Seoraksan is the third highest mountain in South Korea. Kena naik cable untuk ke kaki gunung Mt Sorak ni. Cable car tu boleh tampung seramai 30 orang.
Di atas puncak Mt Sorak. Dia punya sejuk..huhuhu..tersangatla sejuknya!!
Di tebing Mt Sorak, masa ni snow tengah turun..nampak kan dot dot putih tu..that's snow.
Tengah sejuk gedik nih!! Mafla pun dah selubung kt kepala dah tu. Ni depan pintu masuk ke National Park to Mt Sorak. Masa ni pukul 6 lebih kot..dah nak balik hotel. Sebelum tu...kita makan dulu..
Dinner kali ni macam biasa full of vegetables. Kimchi tu tetap..makanan tradisi kat sana. This night ada seafood..ada sotong, ada siput apa kenamenyer ntah..besar2 dan gemuk2. Saya setakat lala and kepah tu bolehla telan. Hari tu siput tu sebesar sibut babi di letak dlm kuali panas tu haa..adeiihhh...tak tertelan tekak ni. Tengokla muka masing2..mcm nak tak nak aje telan kan..kan.. Balik hotel makan maggie..heh..heh...heh..
The most awaited event is at Phoenix Park Ski Resort. The mountain peak recreational complex of Phoenix Park provides a hotel, condos, ski slopes, golf course, leisure facilities, and other state-of-the-art facilities.
Kasut ski yg paling berat!! Tak terlarat nak membawanya..adeiihh..:( Rasa macam berjalan atas bulan pulak.
More actions..:)
Lepak2 dulu...minum2 dulu....sambil cuci2 mata :P
Cutekan both of them? This is Amira and Alis. Kecik2 lagi dah pandai main ski. Lagi terror dari Aunty Shira tau...:( Every year parents depa pegi overseas for a holiday main ski. So, tak ada masalahla...pejam mata aje main ski..huhuhuhu
Kami dah keletihan...time to go back and makan2
Berat sungguhla mender alah ni... Nak kena usung ke bas, then dgn kasut ski yg berat giler tu lagi...addeeiihh..tak larat. Naik bas aje dah termengah2 penat.
Sambung Part III