Tuesday 13 July 2010

London - 22/6/2010

London – 22/6/2010

Pada hari ini tak ada tour, cuma kami kena tour sdn bhd. Nasib baik K.Bisma pakar jalan-jalan sekitar bandar London ni. Kami hanya menggunakan 1 day journey train ticket yang berharga £5.60 = RM28.00.

Dengan ticket ni, kami boleh naik mana-mana London underground dari Zone 1 – Zone 3 dan juga boleh naik mana-mana bas double decker hanya tunjuk tiket ini sahaja. Valid tiket ni dari bermula kami beli iaitu pukul 8.30am sehinggala 12.00am. Sangat mudah pengangkutan awam kat sana. Sayang Malaysia tak boleh nak implement concept yang sama seperti London ‘sigh’

Bermulala journey saya naik turun bas, naik turun tube dan naik turun train. Meh saya cerita tempat-tempat yang saya sempat pergi on this day.

Kensington Palace

Is the brick palace in the Kensington Gardens was the residence of several Royals. It is also home to an exhibition dedicated to Royal Fashion. The collection includes dresses worn by former Queens as well as a number of dresses for Princess Diana, who occupied apartments in the north-west part of Kensington Palace from 1981 to 1997.

Park sini memang cantik...GREEEEEN aje..i likee!!

Cafe juga terdapat di sini..harga? sila jangan tanya..luar dr kemampuan..:(

Taman bunga yang sungguh cantik dan luas!! type of flowers kat sana...mmg lain dari yg lain.

London Victoria Station

Also known as London Victoria,[ is a major central London railway terminus, London Underground and coach station and a shopping centre in the City of Westminster. It is the second busiest railway terminus in London (and the UK) after Waterloo. It is in Travelcard Zone. It is named after the British monarch Queen Victoria.

Ni kat Victoria Station plak, hari tu kt Peddington Staion..concept yg serupa iaitu train stations..dan berlainan destinasi..:)


Is London’s most famous department store. The luxurious store is on many tourists itineraries, who come to admire the magnificent interior and enormous selection. They often leave the store with a signature green bag; foreign visitors account for a significant part of the store’s sales.

Inila Harrods!! Its on SALE!!! Silela datang sini in JUNE yeaa...ingat tauu..JUNE!!

Orang lain tengah sibuk bershopping...saya dan K. Bisma sibuk bergambar dgn BEAR ni..cute kaannn???

Murah-murah bear Harrods ni....Tu kalau tak convertla kann...ce convert tengok..convert..convert...:(

Apa yang saya beli kat Harrods ni? Hehehe..biarla rahsia..Apa2 pun..pastikan kalau nak datang shopping kat sini...datang bulan June tau...ingat tu..JUNE..:) :D

Covent Garden

Is one of the London's biggest tourist magnets. The area around the glass-covered building - a former fruit and vegetable market - is always crowded, especially during weekends and in summertime.

Piccadilly Circus

Is a busy plaza in the heart of London at the junction of five major streets : Regent Street, Shartesbury Avenur, Piccadilly and Covent Street.

Beginila suasana dalam tube. Lebih kurang PUTRA la kt sini..tak jauh bezanya. Cuma tube kat sana amat banyak, amat punctual, amat mudah, information banyak, kalau hilang salah naik tube ke apa ke..boleh aje naik mana2 tube yg lain..tak ada masalah. Tp, apa2 pun kena study their route betul-betul..:)

Rehat kejap...rasa nak patah kaki dah ni berjalan..kalau tak fit..tak larat..susahla nak jalan-jalan and explore tempat orang...banyak lagi nak pegi ni..:)

Queen’s Mary Rose Garden Park

London's largest and best rose garden. It has good collections of all the main rose types, arranged in a design which responds to the circular site.

Entrance nak masuk kat taman bunga rose

Tengok..tengok...banyak kan bunga rose...besar2 petalsnya...cantik sangat!!!

Rehat jap..ada itik2 duk berenang kat sini..sangat jinak..siap datang kat kaki mintak makan lagi..:)

Di kelilingi oleh white rose

Ni aiskrim RM10 = £2.00. Sangatla mahalnya..tempting sangat...beli ajerlah..pejamkan mata..huhuhu
Madame Tussaud

Touted as “London’s favorite tourist attraction”, the statues at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum have been thrilling visitors since Tussaud opened her first permanent exhibit in 1835.
Saya tak masuk pun kat sini..dapat bergambar pun jadikla. Duit terlalu berharga kat sana. Dari saya 'bagi' duit kat MT tu...baikla saya beli barang2 ke..pegi travel other side of the country ke kan..:) Lagi pun saya dah tahu 'siapa' ada kat dalam tu. Tak rasa ralat pun..hehehehe

Ni sightseeing tour bus..macam hop on hop off kt KL. Tak naik pun...cuma bergambar ajer.


Khus said...

Building London rasanyer maintain cam dulu. Mungkin jalanraya dah baru kot..Dulu bannyak burung merpati Kat Piccadilly Circus tu.. x de yek..?

Syiera said...

Hi Khus

Building tu mmg maintain berdiri megah kat sana..yg berubah is ada London Eye.

Burung kt Piccadilly tak de plak masa shira pegi...dia terbang pi port lain plak kot..:P