Tuesday 7 August 2007

Birthday Abang2 bulan July

17 July 2007 – Happy 35th Birthday, dear bro. Busy flying is it sejak naik Captain ni…heheheheh…no worries we all know your flying life…what the hac…cheerss!!!

Nadisha my 3rd elder brother in the family. I tell you.. he’s a cartoonist/artist in the making. he really can draw very well..at the tender age of 7 dah nampak minat dia and his imagination n creativity mmg mengkagumkan.. most of his drawings is byk aircrafts..patutla dah besar ni jadi pilot.

Shira wish u all the best in ur future undertaking, may u have great years ahead and Allah bless u with good health and happy life :P

Pemuda duduk paling kiri baju putih. That's Nadisha

21 Jul 2007 ~ Happy 39th Birthday, dear big brother. Sorry to hear that u had a fever since the last 3 days. Hope u have enough rest and get well soon.

Nazwal or known as Abg Wan all his life, but to my mother call him as ‘Yang’ why arr?? Why Yang?? He’s my eldest brother, first born and first child of Hj Sulaiman. He’s a funny guy, a very protective brother, hard to understand and yet, easy to get along..he has his flaws but I still love him. He’s handsome too…known as Harrie Osman among my to closest friends..he..he..he..kembangla tu.

Abg Wan,
you're one year older and should be wiser :) have a great year ahead and I pray for your success, health + happiness.

With his wife Husnidar.

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