Hari tu TAX away day. Kali CIP away day plak. Tak lain dan tak bukan event kt Sunway. Sunway ni most convenience place to everybody I guess. Pasni family day pulak…PUN kat Sunway jugak….@ Sunway Lagoon on 19 December 2010. Sebelum tu our KSP nite (Kelab Sukan pwc) nite on 10 December 2010 @ One World Hotel, theme The Mad Hatter's Dinner Party!
Main event is CIP mini archery tournament. Tak pernah-pernah seumur hidup saya main archery ni. This is my first time…so why not give a try and its free. Eh’ bukan freela…dept belanja..hehehe..:)
Dear all,
We are pleased to inform that our CIP Away Day has been confirmed to be rescheduled (dah banyak kali tukar date ni) to 9 November 2010 (Tuesday).
Details are as follows:-
9 November 2010 (Tuesday)
4:00 pm till late
Sunway Pyramid
Dress code:
No rules !! Casual attire and jeans are ONLY allowed if you are not meeting with clients. Jeans must be full-length, dark colours only. No hole-y, frayed/tattered or stone washed material allowed. For footwear, sneakers are allowed and NOT sandals/flip-flops.
Make your own way there
Lepas solat zohor, saya, Eza, Flora, Wani & Has gerak ke Sunway convoy. We had lunch at Full House. Ni semua gara-gara Haz yang minat sangat citer korea…sampai nak makan pun nak kena cari tempat yang ada aura2 korea jugak..haaihlaa…xpe layaann.
Sampai sana aje, we all love the ambience – white finishing & spacious area. Dah rasa macam makan kat big banglo mewah la plak….tempat tu sungguh putih, suci dan bersih conceptnya. Ala- ala English style la plak…very nice. Meh kita tengok gambar-gambar kat sana.
My lunch - Chicken Chop set – RM18.00 The grilled chicken thigh served with mashed potato, and daily vege was one of our favorite, as the black pepper raisin sauce went well with the chicken.

After the makan-makan, went to check out its corner with items for sale. They at the same time sell clothes, accessories, shoes, etc. Cute nice deco.

I personally think that the food is very nice here... the ambience make the outshine the food more nicer. And while you are there, do take lots of photographs, for the photo will turn out nice, at almost any angle you take it.
@ Stars Archery, Sunway Pyramid with Jess, Evelyn & Ezza
Gigih practice dulu sebelum actual tournament.
Aim for YELLOW tauu!!
Yvonne, Wei Yee, Flora & Wani
Ezza, Has, Wani & Khue
Zeta team - Ken, Me & Yu Ming.
We are the winner 1st place!!!
Buffet dinner @ Shogun